Get Notified When the Kindle Book You Want DROPS in Price: eReaderIQ

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If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know that I love my Kindle. I use it every day, and if I’m not reading on it, I’m browsing on Amazon for the next book I want to read.

I’ve made all kinds of lists for myself: lists of books I want to read, lists of books that I wish would be available in Kindle format, and lists of books that I will buy if/when the price drops.

There was a time when I would return to those lists and check each and every book to look for price changes, etc. But now there is a better way. There are several websites that will watch your books for you, and then notify you when the price drops.

My at-the-moment favorite is eReaderIQ

On the Home Page, just click on “Track Books” and you’ll be given several options:

1. Get Notified when the book that you want drops in price.

2. Get Notified when a book you love is now available for your Kindle.

3. Get Notified when your favorite authors put any of the their books on sale.

It’s easy to do. Just sign up with your email address (no password needed, yay!) and start making your lists.

Once you are signed in with your email address, you’ll be given a page like the one below to enter the books you would like to track. Notice you have several options, selecting % or $ that you would like tracked.

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The only thing you need to do is to paste in the ASIN number. You can find this number under the “Product Details” of any Kindle book.

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Paste in that number and you’re on your way.

There are other features on this website to explore as well. They have lists of Today’s Best Deals, Freebies, and Books Under $1.

AND … Happy Days! There is a UK and a Canadian version of this website as well!

eReaderIQ USA

eReaderIQ UK

eReaderIQ Canada

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21 thoughts on “Get Notified When the Kindle Book You Want DROPS in Price: eReaderIQ

  1. I’ve bookmarked this post. I also bookmarked another post you wrote about books because some day, I WILL buy a Kindle!! 😀 I have gone over in my mind which one I want and I made the decision by reading your blog. My illness(es) have made it nearly impossible for me to read b/c I can’t concentrate/remember/comprehend and it’s so frustrating for someone who carried a book in her hands from the time I was a toddler. That’s why I love — if I lose concentration, I just reverse it and start again!! 🙂 Since you’ve talked so much about your Kindles and since I FINALLY understand the difference between the Fire and Paper(something — did I mention my memory problems?HA!!), I am hoping I’ll be able to read this way. It’ll never be the same as holding an actual book in my hands, but if it’ll make it easier for me to be able to read again it’ll be SO worth it!! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your interest in and your willingness to try all this stuff out and let us know about it!! You’ve been such a blessing to me and to my legally blind sister who is able to use an iPad. When I see something cool that I think she’d like and be able to enlarge and use, I forward her your posts.

    Thank you!!!!!!

  2. Great site, SC! Once again, you’ve come through for your readers! I love your blog! (But you knew that already!) I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: YOU ROCK! 😀

  3. SP says:

    Hi guys, is another UK based website that can track products from more than 100 retailers (like argos, amazon and many more) for free.

  4. Reblogged this on Book Inklings and commented:
    This is a great post. I always notice Kindle prices go down but I0m like a crazy person going on Amazon every day to check on those prices. This post gives great information about how you can keep track with a handy website.

    Perfect for Kindle lovers =)

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